Victoria Jane

Ever since Victoria Jane moved to Manchester as a child, she has been immersed in the city’s musical heritage. Now, as a musician herself, she is part of a new wave R&B artists, and her style – with elements taken from trap and hip-hop as well – shows how her creativity is constantly evolving.

Hi Victoria! Thanks for meeting with us today, could you tell us a bit about yourself?

So, I'm Victoria Jane. I'm 25. And I am a singer, songwriter, artist, presenter, broadcaster, and all-round music lover and creative from Manchester.

How do you think Manchester has impacted your artistic growth?

I'm originally from London, and I moved to Manchester in year six. So, it was like the start of my creative journey, really. When I moved to Manchester, I was just surrounded by people who loved music. I really felt seen, and I really immersed myself in the creative scene up here.

Just seeing so many other talented people thrive at what they did really inspired me to pursue music and to pursue radio. So, I'd say Manchester has been a driving force for where I am right now.

As the Baracuta G9 is a style icon from Manchester, do you remember the first time you saw one?

I'd seen this jacket on so many people and not known what it was called. But it's just so familiar to my brain, to my mind. I've definitely seen it on so many people from Manchester and outside of Manchester. I feel like it's such an iconic jacket. And it has a distinct presence both in the creative scene and outside.

Can you describe the presence the G9 Harrington has?

I feel like it's a presence that when you see the jacket, you feel recognised, and you feel part of the community. And it's kind of like a staple. It's a very strong presence that really resonates with a lot of people.

How do you think the G9 is related to Manchester?

I feel like this jacket relates to Manchester not only because of how iconic it is, not only because of the fact that it was born in Manchester, but because of the amount of people that wear the brand and rep the brand and love the brand from the city. The city has a real buzz about it, and so does the jacket, and I think it always has. It just shows how it's been able to be alive for so long, for so many years, and thrive really. And that relates to the city. It kind of goes together.

If you had to choose three words that describe both your work and the G9, what would they be?

Three words? Hmm, I would have to say stylish, creative and inspirational.

We absolutely agree! While on the topic of British style icons, what is Britishness to you?

Being British, to me, is being individual, being a character and having a flair and, you know, standing out from the crowd. But it’s also about being hardworking and loving and embracing the culture over here. To put it in one sentence, being British is embracing the rain.